Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Why My Offspring Can Look Forward To Many Years Of Therapy

This was the conversation:

ME: You need a bath, come on, let's get you all clean.
HER: Noooooooooooooooo, I don't like a bath!
Me: Well tough, you need a bath.
HER: Noooooooooooooo! I don't want a bath!
ME: You need a bath.
Her: Why? I don't want a bath!
Me: Well if you don't take a bath you'll smell... and one day dogs will dig a hole and bury you in it because you smell bad.
Her:........ Nooooooooooo! I don't like a bath!

Now I'm weighing my options... in the washing machine and hope she doesn't get motion sickness or just spraying her down with Febreze and Lysol. Or maybe I'll just hang one of those tree shaped car air fresheners around her neck.

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