Saturday, October 01, 2005

Saturday Night Special
Cock Blocked Clubbin' Night

Whew... I'm at work and I'm tired, not so tired that I can't function, but tired enough that when I SIT down, I imediately start thinking about NAPPING. Fuck. It's a damn good thing that my job requires me to walk and stand a lot. I'm fine if I have to deal with people and keep talking and walking and standing and taking photos and all that happy crap, but the moment I STOP, well my body wants to STOP. But to be honest I'm kind of always like that, I have to constantly be doing something to not just fall the fuck asleep... I wonder if it's just me finding the world so damn boreing that makes me so sleepy. Eh, probably my brain cell killing activities from high school and college coming back to haunt me.

ANYWAY... I didn't intend to post about being sleepy, my sloth-like brain or needing some action to not just fall asleep or work and how I'm irritated that I'm not working at this moment and not for another 10 minutes because my appointments are fucked and that's giving me a lot of lag time between which sucks and makes me all tired and BORED! Or even the fact that I've called the numbers of people I have on the Cell Phone (which admittedly is all of 2 people) and both people are too busy to entertain me during this trying time of WAITING, WAITING, WAITING (I hate waiting, you really should see me at an amusement park, I'm psychotic.). Damn you both. Oh yeah... back to what I AM writing about, the club. So the whole day for some people just sucked and didn't go as planned and because I was going to the club with them, it altered my clubbin' plans with them and effectively cock blocked me for the night. Not that I WASN'T already because of Super Absorbency, but hey, I can DREAM. Doesn't really matter anyway, the club kind of sucked last night, the DJ was trying to hard with the mix and it sucked, not a lot of hot men at the club, the only guys looking were the CREEPY ones making me resort to trying to convince the creepy ones that I was with someone's man (it worked). Snazzy Seg was GAWD AWFUL late to the club also. And we didnt' even stay until closing (like usual) or go to Taco Cabana for the After Clubbin' meal. It just didn't seem right, might as well get the car early and head home. I wonder if it my outfit was off and that ruined the VIBE for the night? Hmmm... probably not! But I did opt for the black boots unstead of the cool ho boots... could it be the boots? Could I be insane? Could I just need sleep? Yes, Yes, And YES! So yeah, nothing happened, not horrible night, but not AS PLANNED and damn it! I wanted what was PLANNED!!!

Other Stuff...

Today I glanced at a calender here at work and realized that The High Holy days are near and I didn't even realize it. Oy gevalt! It's a good thing D got me a new Jewish Cookbook the other day! I need to start baking! There goes my diet.

Ah... off to work... finally...

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