Monday, November 14, 2005

The Long And Winding Post

So here I sit sipping a cup of green tea and willing myself to NOT get sick. I’ve already got a fever and a scratchy throat, but I’m kind of chalking that up to maybe staying up to late last night and allergies. I can’t get sick, no time. Cabbage Patch is still coughing and intermittently has a fever so maybe me being her maternal being; I’m getting sympathetic symptoms due to my not being able to adequately express my guilt over my inability to keep her well. It could happen!

I’ve made macaroni and cheese from scratch, that’s what’s for dinner tonight. Well not JUST macaroni and cheese, but that AND a whole slew of veggies, hell I’m not going to let my kids skip the veggies and come down with rickets or something. Okay, whatever, stop looking at me like that, you know I have a fever.

Cabbage Patch has two new favorite movies now. She has to watch them both EVERY day. I only once though. Princess Bride (which I love) and Mars Attacks! (which I love also). Mars Attacks! Is the absolute favorite of those two. This brings a tear to my eye as my favorite movie at her age was Godzilla (any title), so it’s nice to see my corrupted genetic contribution to her make up has made her fond of cheesy monster movies (she loves Godzilla too). “We come in peace. Do not run.”

Cultural Diversity

The end of this week Super Girl’s class is doing a holiday food sampling where in they sample traditional foods that are made in the families of her class mates. Obviously I’ll be packing some Chanukah foods for the class to sample. My real issue now is what to pack for her? Chanukah being the Festival of the Oil dictates that we make food prepared in oil, as in fried… deep fat fried. *sigh* Traditional food for Chanukah is latke’s (potato pancakes), but honestly they taste like ass if they get cold (the zucchini ones taste good cold though), and well… Super Girl doesn’t like them (picky, picky child). I’m overly sensitive when it comes to my cooking so the thought of 30 or so 6 year olds turning their noses up at my carefully prepared latke’s makes me cringe. So donuts it is. I made donuts last year for Chanukah (a couple of days at least) and though I vowed last year that it would be the ABSOLUTE LAST time I deep fat fry anything instead opting for a box of Krispy Kreme donuts and a bag of potato chips, I will in fact break that vow and fry up a batch of donut holes in the name of cultural diversity. And so help me if even one of those little brats complain about my donuts, I’ll… just cry like the baby I am. Of course now I have to wonder if we need to include something representative of the ‘alternative lifestyle’ members of our household? Maybe fluffy rainbow cupcakes? Fairy cakes? Cream puffs? I’m at a loss here.

6 Chips

Last night I dropped off some fabric to Lerxst and consulted with him about a project he’s working on. When we left (I took Super Girl with me), Sable gave Super Girl two fresh from the oven chocolate chip cookies – one for her and one for Cabbage Patch. Super Girl dropped one as she got in the car but quickly recovered it (3 second rule). Upon arriving home, I discovered that the one that was dropped was broken and was missing a piece and attempted to explain to Super Girl that she would have to share part of the unbroken one with her sister. You would have thought I told her I was going to poke her with a red hot iron. She started screaming about how she could not share the unbroken one as it had 6 chips. WTF? 6 chips? Negotiations broke down and she was sent to bed sans cookie. Then I ate the cookie. Just kidding, but I WAS tempted to eat it instead of pack the damn thing in her lunch to surprise her. See, I am a good mother!

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