Sunday, April 27, 2003

Damn it! I suck!

Fuck. I sucks so much. I have inadvertently killed Spike! (and her boyfriend) Damn it! My beloved evil homicidal bitchy fish is dead!

I read up on the internet about goldfish who were breeding. Several suggested moving the breeding fish to another tank so they can hit it in the privacy of a different tank (really to keep the big tank from getting all full of eggs - also if I did decide I wanted the trouble of raising the fry then I wouldn't have to worry about the big fish eating them). I had already notice some eggs in the big tank so I figured they could finish in the little tank. I prepare the tank as recommended and move the two into it at about 11 pm. I figured that by morning they would be done and I could move them back. Well they were done... as in done for. Dead as doornails. DAMN IT! After all the shit that fucking fish has gone through, to die in a nice clean tank is a real pisser for me. Oh well.... I chucked them in the trash this morning. I am going to get replacements later today.

I'll write a memorial to Spike a bit later.

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