Thursday, May 01, 2003

3XThursday : 05/01/03 : Thou Shall Not Steal (great questions Jake who last Sunday had his bicycle stolen so in retrospect on that event this weeks questions are about theft.)

1. So have you ever had anything stolen from you? What was it? Who did it?
Yes, mostly trivial stuff. In highschool someone stole my rubber bat out of my locker (bastards! that was Bob!) Not sure who did it. And this past January some little brats from the apartments decided to steal the plastic candy cane decorations outside my door and break them in the creek. Little fuckers. I've had things stolen off my desk from work before, and I'd whine and bitch. But as I said mostly trivial stuff. I did have an uncle who stole my jewlery box when I was 11. What an ass.

2. Have you ever stolen anything in your life? You can plead the Fifth if you want to.
Oh yeah, back in my lawless days with my sister. At one Jr. High we both attended the same school, we used to go through the lunch line and steal lunch (this was the snack bar line not the regular food line) for ourselves and our friends. Some minor shoplifting as a child. A street sign in high school.

3. Who was the biggest thief in your mind? In modern history or historically?

Well in my mind it would be my low-life theiving uncle. Fucker stole my mothers camera at my great grandmothers funeral! In history.... I'd say any of the conquerors. They all stripped the native people of their valuables and culture.

Bonus Question for Comments: Are there any situations where it is morally justified to steal? What would that be?

Yes in extreme situations of war or social oppresion where you are trying to feed your children and there are no other alternatives.

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