Monday, April 28, 2003

Tiny Little Dog…

This happened around the whole fish saga…. Just didn’t want to confuse anyone with other things. Anyway… before we head off to the pet store my oldest tells me that she wants a dog. Uggh. We got rid of the dog last year when we moved to the town house… Well let me correct that. I got rid of the dog last year… hmmm… still doesn’t sound right… OK, I dumped my dog at the pound and sentenced her to definite death. Yeah that’s it. Yes I do still have some guilt about all that, why do you ask? Anyway, I take a deep breath and explain that we already have 2 cats and some fish, we don’t need a dog, nor can we have a dog in the town house… and I had to mention that we already HAD a dog that we got rid of (hoping that would not prompt yet another discussion of where Foxy is now {dead} and how she misses her, yadda, yadda, yadda). She persists, I don’t feel like continuing this. Finally she says “How bout a little dog?” and holds up her fingers just about an inch apart, to which I reply “OK, if you can find a little dog that size, then we will get it.” Great, fine, not going to happen, argument over. When we get to the pet store (avoiding the Free Kittens box in the parking lot) she asks right away to see the dogs – I ignore her and go get my fish stuff. She persists the whole time asking when we can go see the dogs. She’s briefly side tracked by some cats in cages – oh bad for me.. I love cats and two of them were beautiful orange tabbies (my favorite), but I resist and distract her from the cats by asking her to help me find food and a toy for our own cats (who would not appreciate a new feline in the house…. In fact I think they would attempt to murder me if I did infact bring a new cat home… and hell this house only has room enough for one homicidal pet… who happens to bed dead now… so… I guess that’s not really and argument any more… hmmm… ) We head off to the check out, she is very unhappy that we haven’t gone to see dogs yet, but there isn’t any dogs in the store for sale – so I think “Whew – I’m out of that one!” But no – I just think I am. As we are heading for the line, in come two women with a basket and three Yorkie dogs in the basket, each one of the women is holding a tiny little Yorkie puppy! AHHHHHHHHHH! NO! Tiny Little Dogs! Damn it. So I let her go see the dogs and tell her that the ladies took the last of the tiny little dogs. Cosmic joke on me.

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