Thursday, July 17, 2003

Who Gives A Shit?

This particular story JLo & Ben On How They Fell In Love, boggles my mind. Why does anyone care? Why are there so many news stories out there about this kind of crap? So they met at work, big deal. That happens all the freaking time. My sister met her husband at work. Oh oh, I guess I should care because they are BIG STARS. Um... no. I really don't care about their personal lives. I have very little interest in an actors personal life. Often if I find out things about their personal lives, I generally find out something about their views that makes me like them just a little bit less. Like recently I read an interview with Harrison Ford, he kind of sounded like an idiot. Read one with Richard Gere and my opinion of him is that he's a nice guy but a TOTAL FREAK. I crave the days of privacy in Hollywood. Back when stars fiercely garded their privacy and the public just got glimpses into their lives on occasion. Everything else was speculation or rumor. Uggh... Stars... please stop living your personal lives out in the headlines. BARF!

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