Monday, September 22, 2003

If It's Not One Thing, It's Another...

I mean that litterally... If it's not one thing (spilled on my floor), it's another (thing spilled on my floor). *sigh* Let me start from the begining. First I was born.... no, no.. I guess that's to far back... OK, let's see... first I had Super Girl... then I had Cabbage Patch.. I guess that's about where it started... but today, today started at 7:00 am with the little people wanting breakfast. This is about 30 minutes early for them. I was tired. My evil psychotic cat was opening my door and waking me at 3 am. I got out of bed to get a drink of water and discovered that the air pump attached to the fish tank had fallen off the counter and was no longer pumping air into the fish tank. I reattached it and checked the fish, they were all clustered on one side of the tank near the bottom. All were alive but they looked rather sluggish. Hmmm... I stayed up for a bit to make sure they were going to make it. Anyway... back to 7 am. I gave the kids the last two slices of cheese cake for breakfast (hey it was fast and they liked it). Everything was going well today, both of the little people were good.

As the day progressed to evening I had the thought that I would do my yoga tape before getting things out for the kids to paint with. My motivation was that the little people were being good. Part way though the tape Super Girl goes to potty in my bathroom, when she returns I can smell nail polish. She had wanted to paint her nails earlier this morning. I told her to have a seat on the couch for a time out while I finished my yoga tape. *sigh* within 5 minutes Super Girl is yelling from my bedroom doorway "Mamma, she got the nail polish!" I stop the tape and go to my bathroom. Cabbage Patch had snuck into the bathroom and got the bottle of nail polish that Super Girl had been messing with. It was ALL OVER THE FLOOR and ALL OVER HER HANDS AND FEET. Great, great, just what I wanted to do... clean paint off my bathroom floor and my toddler. Good thing I buy nail polish remover in the big bottles. I got it all of the toddler, and got most of it off the floor. But red nail polish is not very forgiving so where the majority of the nail polish was pooling it's still pink. Allright... 30 minutes later - I tell both kids to sit on the couch for time outs and put the yoga tape back on (what the hell was I thinking?). 10 minutes from the end of the tape Super Girl has gone into the kitchen and I hear her messing with the loaf of bread. I tell her to stop that I will make dinner soon. No answer. I tell her again to stop messing in the kitchen and come back to the couch. she mumbles something about wanting a snack. I tell her no I'm going to make dinner soon. she starts to whine and comes into the room with a piece of bread. We have an exchange that ends with her being sent to her room and I go into the kitchen. I see her stool near the counter. I see the jar of peanut butter on the stool. I see the bread on the stool and next to it a large pool of syrup that is dripping on the floor. Cabbage Patch is crouched in front of the stool with a syrup sopped pieced of bread looking innocently at me. I have the sudden feeling that my head is going to explode and I walk slowly to the foot of the stairs so I can call for Super Girl to come down. I make her clean the syrup. And now.. I'm wishing their father wasn't out tonight so I could go for a long walk by my self. Hmmmm... that yoga tape was supposed to relax me but for some reason I feel even more stressed than when I put the tape in! *sigh* why, why, why didn't I buy that bottle of wine on Friday?

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