Friday, May 28, 2004


(*Warning* Terribly offensive post! You have been warned!*)

So I'm driving around today running errands and just in general having the life sucked out of me by all my obligations. I'm at a four way stop sign when I notice the large silver Cadillac Escalade across from me. I realized that the joking question of 'What would Jesus drive?' was being answered for me. I sat there looking at the shiny, new SUV with it's personalized license for a moment. I wish that I would have had my camera with me at that very moment to record this for posterity. Jesus would drive a shiny, new, silver Cadillac Escalade with all the trim and personalized license plate that says 'JESUS'. Yeah, I saw the Christian savior. Well I didn't actually look in the SUV it had dark tinted window, and I was just being amused by the 'Jesus' plates far to much to look. Apparently the Christian savior has decided to come back and is driving around my neighborhood in a brand new SUV. Well of course he is. How else would he get any respect here? D can back me up on that one. She gets the respect in my 'hood with her big ass, pimped out SUV. What's she call it?... Oh yeah, Old G. So I'm guessing the Big J man decided he wasn't going to do the riding in on an ass thing again - not going to get the respect that way - and upgraded to a much nicer mode of transport. Who can blame him? The Escalade has air conditioning and an awesome sound system - DVD player in the back! And why not? Should not the Son of God have the best?

OK I'm finished now. If you read this and were offended, well that's just too bad. I did warn you that it was offensive.

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