Monday, August 09, 2004


The Little People are home from their week long visit with Grandma and GG. Grandma and GG have a huge house. In this house they have 3 dogs and 6 cats. Big cats. Most of the cats are bigger than the dogs. My cats are small by cat standard - just 6 lbs and 7 lbs.

The first thing Super Girl says when we get home is "Oh! They are kittens again!" I've explained several times that our cats are just small cats and GG's cats are BIG cats. It doesn't matter; I'm still getting questions of "why are our cats smaller?" "Why did you make the cats little?" "Are they going to grow big?" "Are they kittens?" To which I have continually answered that our cats are just small, GG has Big cats, our cats have always been small, no they won't get any bigger and the one time answer of 'yes, yes, I did shrink the cats, I washed them and dried them and they got smaller.' to which she asked 'why did you wash the cats?'

Silly child. This morning she asked "Mom, where are the real Sunshine and Dusty?"

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