Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Babysitter

This morning I woke in the wee hours - 3:30 am. All of my severe cold/sinus/allergy medication had finished it's work in my system and I needed another fix to make it through the night. For some reason I was wide awake though still desperately tired. Damn. I hate that. I took another hit from the bottle of soothing, comfort and whacky dreams of healing - Nightquil. I knew this was a bad idea as I would be smacking the alarm in a mere 3 hours but I needed more sleep. When the alarm buzzed at 6:30 am I was very tired.

After getting Super Girl on the school bus, Cabbage Patch and I headed home where I enlisted the aid of The Babysitter for some much needed rest. Who is The Babysitter? Why the VCR and DVD players of course. I feel a bit guilty (as well as just feeling like shit being sick) even though I needed the couple of hours of sleep that the two videos alowed me.

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