Thursday, September 09, 2004

No Yoga = Inflexibility

I was just remembering something that struck me as odd from back when I was driving back from my visit with XXX. I didn't write about it because I ended up just not freaking writing about the suck ass drive home. Yeah it sucked for a number of reasons, I had a tire that I had discovered was really low the morning I left - so gimpy tire made for shaky alignment and shitty drive, got caught in Fucking Austin lunch time traffic, debit card not working at gas station that required PAY BEFORE PUMPING (which I hate), nasty restroom in gas station, pissy gas station attendants, running late getting home and what sucked the most - leaving XXX and knowing I would be sleeping alone again. *sigh* So, yeah I just didn't write about the drive home.

After driving through Austin I stopped to get some gas and check the gimpy tire. Mostly to check the tire as I had half a tank of gas, I figured I'd get gas since I was stopped anyway. As I was pulling into the gas station I stopped at I had been flipping through the stations to find something not so sucky to listen too. I stopped pressing the SEEK button as I turned into the gas station, it was now on some talk radio show. The person talking was talking about Yoga and Christianity. I'm familiar with both. I do yoga and though I'm not a Christian I played one for several years. I listened as I dug trough my purse for my useless debit card. The speaker started in on how one could not be a Christian and practice yoga, how practicing yoga went against the teachings of Christianity. Although I know that in some cultures the practice of yoga is part of their spirituality everyone I know (including myself) know not a damn thing about yoga spirituality and are doing yoga for the flexibility and relaxation. I couldn't listen to anymore of the speakers ramblings and turned off my car. It struck me as ironic that someone would be denoucing yoga for Christians as I've known more than a few Christians who I considered to be rather inflexible.

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