Thursday, September 23, 2004

Krabby Patties

Last night I made Spicy Tuna Cakes for dinner. I didn't expect the Little People to eat them. Being my immature offspring they tend to be exceedingly picky in their food choices - I hate to admit it but the picky gene must have come from me as I tend to be exceedingly picky. This would not be an issue if the things she was picky about were to correspond with the food items I refuse to eat, but alas that is not to be, a constant struggle regarding food will continue until her adulthood I predict. At the sight of the cans of tuna Super Girl proclaimed whatever I made would be inedible to her and wrinkled up her little nose. Being the clever mom type person that I am I asked her to help me prepare the Krabby Patties. At the mere mention of Krabby Patties she became more open to the idea that this meal might not taste like ass to her.

After mixing all the ingredients and watching the Krabby Patties cook, Super Girl was more than eager to taste said Krabby Patty. She loved them. So much so that her very ill father almost didn't get dinner from him taking so long to come down the damn stairs and eat dinner. I had set aside three of the patties for him and there was only one left when he finally ventured down the stairs.

Score one for mom. When all else fails try to convince the offspring that dinner is not a disgusting nutricious meal but a delicious meal based on some stupid cartoon.

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