Saturday, July 09, 2005

Spectacular Saturday

Damn what a great day it is so far! Now it just may be my lack of sleep from stay up until 3:30 this morning and this day might just be sucking ass big time, but it still seems pretty great to me.

I'm running on caffine today and I'm excited about tonight's gathering at Ben's.

I'm just in such a great fucking mood! If I didn't know betted I'd think someone spiked my creamer with Prozac, but I know it has nothing to do with mood altering drugs (not that there's anything wrong with that... unless you are Tom Cruise, and quite honestly he probably SHOULD be pumped full of Zoloft) but it might have something to do with the Mansicle population in my life getting larger. Not going to say any more on that except that I'm quiet certain that at least ONE of them will turn into more than a vente Carmel Frappichino, and oh yeah I'm getting the extra whipped cream.

Well back to work so I can get on home and take a nice nap before tonight's festivities.

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