Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Wasted Days And Wasted Nights

My gawd, where has this freaking day gone?? I didn't get jack done today. Or anyone else for that matter. heh.. kidding. I don't know a Jack. Anyway, nothing got done except uploading photos from last night's Fireworks Extravaganza at Lady Edana's place. (I'll post photos and links in a bit)

I had planned to get some sewing done today, but I woke up and was totally off schedule from the moment I put my foot on the fucking floor. I slept in way to late, which is easy when K get's up with the kids. Then it took me for fucking EVER to get the photos uploaded - I haven't even put captions with the photos. (just an FYI, the fireworks rocked the Little People's world - they even said that Shaz is cooler than... CAPTAIN JOHN! Unbelievable.)

I needed to get with it and start sewing but it just wasn't happening as the kids were NEEDY today, as in NEEDING a snack, NEEDING a drink, NEEDING a smack on the bottom, NEEDING to stay the fuck out of my bathroom and stop putting on way to much expensive perfume. K spent the day sending in resumes and working on fixing B's computer. He also got a second interview for tomorrow. Let's all take a moment to pray/send possitive vibes to K that he get's offered this job and it's a REALLY GOOD offer.

So THEN I got a freaking sinus headache! I sat on the couch and pretended to watch bad Disney movies while i waited for the PAIN to stop.

And... awww fuck, who cares. Sufice to say I pissed away this day.

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