Monday, September 12, 2005

Badger Baby

I've mentioned before how the smaller half of The Tiny Terrorist is an absoulte BADGER in the mornings. We've been late more than once because of the growling and gnashing of teeth. This morning while she laid on the couch grumbling, cursing and burrowing into the cushions, I put this on the computer. I disovered two things, 1) that the cranky little monster will stop bitching and get off the couch to watch it and 2) that both of the little people will watch that for HOW EVER LONG I leave it on. I left it on for 20 minutes just to see how long they would stand in front of the computer staring at it... unbelievable that two beings who collectively have an attention span measured in seconds would watch the Badger Song for so long. This may be the start of a bizarre and enduring morning ritual.

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