Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Not Enough Coffee...

I'm up way to early... Wanna know what time my alarm went off? 4:30 am! Yes my alarm went off at the G*d forsaken hour of 4:30 am. Not even G*d herself is up this early (no really, it's still rolling to the answering service at 4:30 am). Ya know, the only time I don't really mind being up at that time is when I'm getting home! But anyway.. I'm not. I'm up this early because I have things I need to finish and not enough time. Damn it.

And so far I've had coffee and breakfast and read the comics online. Oh yeah and painted some shoes. YES shoes. For Super Girl. I painted her soes that she bitched about loudly when I bought them because in her words they weren't 'Fashionable'. Brat. So now they have butterflies and flowers on them and pink laces. That's fashion. And she loves them... except they aren't SPARKLEY, that's what she said. BRAT.

Well I'm off to wake the BADGER.

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