Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I'm On The Highway To Hell!

Tonight a very very tired Dame Edana stopped by. As we stood in my door way saying our good-byes, something startled her. At this point I feel it's only fair to tell you that what happend next has damned me to the eternal flames of the deepest depths of hell and all that jazz... well it would if I actually BELIEVED that. ANYWAY... Something startled her and much to my surprise she SCREAMED LIKE A LITTLE GIRL and did the 'OMG!-THERE'S-A-BUG-ON-ME!' dance. (Anyone who knows me well has seen me do both things, usually in that order.) Now the proper reaction from me would be to make sure the offending BUG was gone/dead/nonexistant and to reassure her of that fact. This is a courtesy that MOST people do for me and I appreciate, BUT I did NOT do that. My response was to cover my gapeing pie hole as I doubled over laughing. Yes, yes I showed a great deal of sensitivity and understanding as I LAUGHED. Then I assured her that it wasn't anything until she saw the big ol' cicada and screamed like a little girl again (this time her screams were joined by the screams of the Little People) which of course caused me to LAUGH more and tell them that it was just a cicada. At this point I was forced to remove the above mentioned offending cicada so all three little girls could calm down and stop doing the 'Scary Bug' dance. hehe...

In other bizarre news... Britney Spears had a baby and it MADE the FREAKING NEWS!!!! Honestly, who gives a fuck about the birth of The Spawn of Britney? ESPECIALLY with so many other NEWS WORTHY things going on in the world!!!

Things that irritate... Remember when your mom/grandmother would say to you to 'Close the door, you're letting flies in!' and you'd silently think something like 'Piss off! I am not!'? Well let me tell you, you were and you owe your mom/grandmother a serious appology! Fuck! Why is it that an adult can walk in and not let flies in but one child takes the garbage out and brings in 6 flies with their families???? Unbelievable!

Anyway.. I'm off to finish some things.

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