Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur starts tonight at sundown. This is the holiest day of the year, the day spent in prayer, repenting and asking for forgiveness. This is the day our fates for the coming year is sealed, the day we all hope to be '...inscribed and sealed for a good year'.

Because Yom Kippur is the holiest of days, I won't be on IM at all after sundown. If you need me call me, I'll be answering the phone (both) but I won't be reading e-mails. I'll post after sundown tomorrow - I'll have cool photos of a lizard and a frog from today.

If you call, please be aware that I'll be fasting from sundown tonight until sundown tomorrow so I may be a tad on the BITCHY side and I appologize now. I've been trying to eat enough today to make it not so bad tomorrow but ya know, there are only so many Big Mac's a person can eat in one sitting! (kidding about that, just the thought of that is vile!)I can't bathe tomorrow either, so again I might be snippy... and stinky, so you might want to wait until after sundown after I've had a shower - just make sure you bring some Krispe Kream when you visit.

Also in accordance with Yom Kippur, I ask for forgiveness from each and every one of you for anything that I have done that was offensive or mean. Specifically all the "lashon ha-ra" (lit: the evil tongue), i.e. all those times I've muttered 'bitch' under my breath when you walked by, or all the catty comments I've made against you, etc. For that I am sorry and ask your forgiveness. I don't believe I have to get forgiveness from President Bush or any of the political figures I've called Asshats and for that I am thankfull.

And the best part of Yom Kippur is that I can't wear leather shoes! I have a delightfull pair of rubber rain boots I'll be wearing when it is necessary to wear shoes. They are the BOMB!

Seriously, this is an important and holy time for me. I'll be back tomorrow after sundown, hopefully having been written in for a good year. I leave you with a traditional Jewish greeting for this time - L'shanah tovah ("for a good year")This is a shortening of "L'shanah tovah tikatev v'taihatem" (or to women, "L'shanah tovah tikatevi v'taihatemi"), which means "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year." And I sincerely wish that to all of you.

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