Friday, January 20, 2006

Mentally Incontinent

I think I've mentioned before how toddlers are much like crazy street people. There are many, many similarities. Both have no problem wearing the same mismatched outfit for days or even weeks on end. Both tend to walk around having conversations with imaginary people. They both tend to say things that you can only half understand and best. Spontanious public nudity isn't a problem for either. There are more similarities, that's just a few.

My sweet Cabbage Patch just had her feet in a plastic orange Halloween Jack-o-lantern. When I looked at her and she fell over, she just laughed and said "Pumpkin patch!" to me. I had to fight the urge to smell her breath for booze, but I know there is none in the house and I doubt she'd be able to hide an empty 40 in her teddy bear.

Later that night at a Mexican food restaraunt the child who only eats macaroni and cheese or cheese ate refried beans of her own free will. Unbelieveable.

This fine Saturday morning I had planned to get to work a tad early so that I'd be sure to be done with all my work by 3 pm. My alarm went off at 6:15 am which I felt was way to early so I reset it for 7 am. Next thing I know my cat is in my face waking me up and it's 8 am! shit! I reset the alarm then turned it off. Damn it!

Oh well, I snatched a heft commission from the weekday photographer this morning as she had taken some shitty photos yesterday and told the parents that no one would be here today (can we say BITCH?). No matter, I took better photos and told them how to cancel the other order.

Off to work!

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