Sunday, June 08, 2003

L - I'm with you. Same feeling of being kind of depressed and pent up. *sigh* I would think that today I'd be feeling so much different. I didn't work so no pressure there, no need for a nap... but not so. I mean I didn't have a bad day at all. The little people were pretty good, the house is clean and I made a kick ass cake today for 2 friends birthdays (I'll post the picture a little later) - Yin Yang cake with yummy butter cream frosting. Went grocery shopping this morning before hubby went to game day. Everything went great. But... I don't know... feeling kind of depressed. *sigh* I wonder if it's hormonal. Wish I could have the wine and chocolate L, I bet that would make everything feel better. I do have chocolate, have had chocolate today even, but I think the lack of wine - good wine - is making the chocolate less effective at lifting this haze of mild depression. Wine... or antidepressants. hmmm... I often wonder if I should get back on the Zoloft. I did like the totally even mood the Zoloft gave me but I kind of DIDN'T like it... too even of a mood. I mean it was great because very little that the little people did bothered me, hell very little of anything bothered me, but that's not always a GOOD thing. I am a passionate person and I react strongly to most things in life (not always a good thing though) and I just wasn't like that when I was on the Zoloft... really no strong emotions. Not that I wasn't happy or didn't get upset, but I didn't get happy or upset to any extreme. Just even. hmmmm maybe if the Zoloft was in a weaker dose, eh, I don't know that I really need it.

Really I'm just rambling. People are over right now and I'm somewhat bored with what is going on. I'm not in the game currently so I'm bored and I'm being a shit by being on the computer. Very rude of me to do this. I'm so rude. And bored. Rude and Bored. Rude and Bored. Rude Bored Rude Bored Rude Bored.... hmmmm I need sleep.

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