Monday, August 18, 2003

Bad Moon Rising

Have you ever had one of those moments where something just creeped you out? Like you suddenly thought about a friend and had the feeling something 'bad' was going to happen to them? Then you had to call them just to make sure they were ok? You laughed and felt like a fool, but secretly were relieved that they had picked up the phone. I think we all have had one of those moments. How about a precognative moment or dream? Maybe, well I have. Not often - I've had 3 precognative dreams - they happened months before the event and involved people I hadn't met yet and situations I could not imagine myself in, then when they did happen I didn't realize it until I was deep in the moment. Odd thing is that I wrote down each of these dreams in my journal, a think I almost never did. Precognative moments, I've had several of them and have never been wise enough to realize them for what they were until it was too late. My most noteable moment - right before I took my cat Sinnamon into the vet office for her to be dipped (a procedure that was only made safe by them anethisitizing her) I had a flash of me getting a phone call from the vet telling me that she had died. The feeling was quite strong and I almost got back into the car with my cat and went home. I didn't because I dismissed the thought as me being paranoid and I really did need to bomb my apartment for fleas (why she was being dipped). I dropped off the cat and once again while in the exam room talking to the new vet I had the urge to leave with the cat but I didn't. When I picked hubby up from work I told him about it and he assured me that Sinn would be fine. I got the call from the vet just as I had visualized it. I still feel an acute pang of guilt when I think about it. There were other times, lots of other time. Today I dozed off while making Super Girl take a nap. I dreamed an odd dream and at the end of it I was meeting my sister at a restaurant. When we got there we put our stuff at the table then we both went to separate places, me to get a manicure - fake nails at that and her to go to a tarot card reader. When I finished I met her at the tarot card readers place, once there I realized that the manicurist had only done ONE of my hands (eh, no wonder it only cost me $5!) and the reader cheerfully told me she had done D's cards - two cards came up for her, the Negative Moon and the Evil Moon, then she informed me that D (who was smiling and all) wanted me to do the last card and the interpretation for her. I didn't pull the last card but I knew it was going to be a moon card. Then I woke up with a very strong feeling of forboding for my sister.

I had to look up the moon card as soon as I woke. The moon is an unfortunate card to turn up. It fortells bad luck and decite, a dark cloud above a person so to speak. There is no Evil Moon or Negative Moon in the deck. I called my sisters home number... no answer. Then I called her cell... again no answer. I left a message on her phone for her to call me. 20 or so minutes later I called her cell again, this time she answered so I told her my dream. Seems the dark cloud has already developed above her. Her husband's grandmother is in the hospital currently - things are kind of up in the air as to how she will do. Her mother-in-law is very distraught about the situation and her son lost his job almost as quickly as he got it. I still have the feeling that the dream is fortelling something else. The beginning of the year I did a reading for D - a month by month spread - and August was a month that was very negative, oddly enough at the Christmas party of hubby's that I had a reading done (2 actually) August was a very distinct month as having someone die or something like that - a woman. I happen to be somewhat close to D's in-laws so that would be some thing that would affect me also. Anyway... just babbling...

*note* if you don't belive in any of this shit, that's cool, but do me a favor and keep any negative or derogatory comments to yourself and respect my thoughts and beliefs on this matter.

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