Friday, August 22, 2003

Alternative Kitty Livestyles
or Lesbian Pussy

Here's the conversation taking place right now:

her: 'Mamma, can Sunshine have kittens? Please. Please. please.'
me: 'no'
her: 'Why?'
Me: *thinking for a moment* 'Because... because she doesn't have a husband.' *thinking I had a good answer*
her: 'Dusty can be her husband'
me: 'no Dusty is a girl'
*her: 'A boy!'
me: 'no, she's a girl' *
Repeat from * to * until your head hurts
her: 'But can she have kittens?'
me: 'no... she doesn't have a husband'
her: 'oh please, Dusty can take care of them.'
me: 'no.'
Her: **continued generic begging similar to what's already been said by her.
Me: Ignoring the actual content of what she is babbling about now, it's all turning to a dull humm in my head.

I think I'll leave this up to hubby to explain to her that the cats are both GIRLS and can't have kittens together. I don't really want to get into same sex relationships and how they would need a donor to get pregnant or one wild drunken night out with no regrets (although we all know that Sunshine would have regrets - she's just that kind of cat, I honestly thinks she's probably Catholic or Jewish what with that guilt complex she has - and Dusty having a wild night out that resulted in conception is totally insane as she truly is the lesbian - and a male hating lesbian as that... but I digress). There will be no Pussys Gone Wild involving these cats!

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