Tuesday, August 26, 2003


Yes I went shopping today... ahhhh... it's the only activity I never get tired of. It was an impromptu shopping trip. My sister stopped by after she finished some things. We had a really nice time, except it ended way too soon. The little people were even good!

We went to lunch first - I didn't put a speck of make-up on - D had this beautiful black pant suit on and a colorful silk shirt so we didn't look like we should be out together. At the end of lunch these two butch dikes walked past us, D points to an enormous tatoo on one and compliments it (she didn't really like it she just wanted to point out the tatoo on this chick that was about as big as a bread plate - I know rude, but only I knew she was insencere about the compliment) so I was teasing her that now the dikes were going to think she was hitting on them. hehehe... My kids looked like rag muffins so they matched me. Super Girl had a painted t-shirt on with black flowered jeans - she chose the outfit and would not change to anything that matched... uggh... she has her daddy's fashion sense (*note to all* Fashion sense does not come naturally to all gay men... unfortunatly), Cabbage Patch was wearing some tie dyed shorts and a denim shirt - cute but rag-muffin-ish. Eh, we had fun.

Oh the best part - I bought some adorable black strappy sandles on sale! Woohoo! I'm going to wear them to a wedding next week. Hey... do these shoes make my feet look fat?

Yes D, I did paint my toe nails before I took the pics - I didn't want my feet to look all schlumpy!

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