Wednesday, August 27, 2003


I've been tired lately. Really tired. It's nothing new or alarming. It happens every month. I'm going to try to make some changes to how I live to see if I can minimize the exhaustion period of each month. Tomorrow I'm going to get up at 7 am to do some Yoga - hopefully this will happen BEFORE the little people wake so I can do this without their 'help' and 'participation'. Let me explain how yoga goes with my two kids around. I start doing the poses, Super Girl says she wants to do yogurt with me, I tell her it's YOGA and say fine. She does some, Cabbage Patch wanders over and starts mimicing me as well. Super Girl and Cabbage Patch try to occupy the exact same space to do yoga and I end up telling them to stop it. I move to new pose, little people wander away, I think "Ahhhh peace now" and continue my breathing and holding of poses, 30 second later as I move to a sitting position little people return to watch me, I invite them to join hopeing they will join and it will some how have a peaceful calming effect on them, Super Girl sits on the floor Cabbage Patch lunges into my lap. Time to move to new pose, Cabbage Patch has to be moved from lap and protests. Floor poses, the little people find these poses far to irresistable - they must participate... by climbing on my back! It's very hard to maintain peaceful breathing with two kids fighting to be on your back! A few minutes later after shooing the kids away I'm back to the poses, trying hard to unclench my jaw and breath deeply - but that's hard when you have to keep growling threats to the kids to stop doing whatever they are doing. Yoga finally ends, I'm not much in the way of relaxed.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.

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