Tuesday, August 26, 2003

EVIL Shopping

Ahhh the other thing I have been shopping for was health insurance, well that and the PERFECT pair of RED shoes... but I digress. Anyway, I had an appointment for two separate insurance agents to come buy and dazzle me with their plans. The first was a man and he had a great plan with many many options and it was pretty damn'd affordable - the pricing was right where I wanted to pay and the coverage was really good. He left his pricing sheet and plan info as well as his card for me. The second person was a woman. In between the two visits I had a separate agent call and tell me he was getting quotes for me and inform me that due to my weight some companies might give me a higher premium. OK, whatever, just bring me the quotes. Anyway, the woman comes in and sits down and tells me that due to my weight I am uninsurable, but that she can offer insurance for my kids. I tell her no, I don't want insurance for my kids from a company that won't insure me, that I can get insurance for my kids from the state of TX for $18 a month for each kid but I'd rather get a plan for me and the kids. Then she continues on telling me that according to the 'industry standards' I am uninsurable and alludes to some other valuable information she has in her papers there. I tell her that is bullshit that due to my weight I am uninsurable. She looks at me like I just shot at her. Then she says something else about a plan that she has - a medical discount plan. And she reaches into her portfolio like she's about to pull a rabbit out of a hat. What she brings out is some thing with a chart of height and weights on it and and how insurable people are. Then she procedes to find my height and slide her finger over to my weight and point out the heading of the column that says 'uninsurable'. I say am getting pissed with this woman, I've already said for her to show me what she has at least 3 times. I'm tired of her showing me crap. I want to see prices and coverage. Then she starts pitching the discount plan. When she pauses I say "So this won't help me if an accident happens." her reply is "yes it will, the discount will be there." and I say "but this isn't insurance." and she concedes "No, you couldn't say you had insurance." I got up and headed to the door saying "I'm not interested. I've already talked to a nice man with nice quotes for insurance." and I opened the door. She gathered up her crap quickly and said "Well I'm sorry for wasting your time." and I just shut the door. I was pissed that she would waste my time like that. She called to confirm the apointment today, she could have told me her company didn't want to insure me due to my weight, i would have been offended but I wouldn't have been pissed that she wasted my time. shit I'm still pissed. I'm going to go finish reading American Gods now and cool off.

Coming Soon! My RANT on the insurance industry!

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