Friday, August 22, 2003

Male Or Female Blogs...

Check out the Gender Genie- it's good for a laugh. I checked everyone's blog I read regulary. It boasts an 80% accuracy. A was thought to be a male - I think it was the high content of profanity for that particular entry though, and it thought co-worker was a female for all of his posts... hmmm... is he really a she? hehehehe... just teasing.

*note* I just checked the rest of A's post on the front page of her blog - she always registers as a man. Even her rants about being pregnant! HAHAHAHAHA! I guess A just writes like a man. ;o)

Work Crap

My boss is a complete moron. I worked the evenings from Monday until Wednesday. I talked to my boss on Tuesday to see if she would be training at the hospitals on Wednesday and she told me that would not happen until Thursday so please go in on Wednesday. So I did. I get a call this morning from field support saying that no one has been there. Damn it! I left her an e-mail on Wednesday- something she is supposed to be checking! - and let her know of the situation at the hospital. Now it's Friday and the hospital is pissed (rightfully so). I'm not working tonight, I have things I have to do.

Damn... my boss is such a moron. She tries to APPEAR as though she really on top of things but she's not. It's hard to have respect for someone who is so incompetent.

Update: Here it is almost 1 pm and I get another call from my boss' boss. Apparently my boss took the day off to go to a wedding this weekend. She must have forgotten about work. Dumb-ass.

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