Monday, August 11, 2003

What A Surprise!!

Well my gay hubby came through - he sent me flowers for my birthday - purple flowers!

I was completly caught off guard.

My sister came over today also with a birthday offering - new shirt, pretty necklace and hair thingies. :o) Also quite unexpected.

Good birthday so far.

Other Stuff

I'm working like crazy to finish this cute baby dress in time for A's baby shower this coming Sunday. Why am I working so hard? Well I had finished the dress a few days ago - at least I thought I had finished. When I went to piece it together I realized that the front was much smaller than the back panel and the sleeves were WAY to small. Damn! What happened? I had finished the back section a while ago. The little people swiped my crochet hook and cast it off into the netherworlds never to be found again. I switched to a hook I thought was pretty damn close to the size of the other one. I was WRONG. The front is really small. Aaarrrggghhhh! Odd thing happened. After I look at everything and start panicing the hook I was using to finish disapears... off to the netherwords again! I'm pissed now. I tell hubby the issue, he listens sympathetically (at least it seemed like he was sympathetic...) as I search the couch and underneath for the missing hook. No damn hook! I'm ready to scream. I look by the computer desk and I see a gold colored hook. Well fuck! THATS the hook I started the damn dress with! I ask hubby where he found it, he confirmed my suspicions - he found it in his room (the netherworlds)! Thoes little monsters I gave birth to had stashed it in their daddy's stuff in hopes that I would never find it and would thus go insane from frustration - but their naughty plot was foiled by their daddy cleaning the netherworlds (he must have run out of underware).

So I have to be brief with my computer time for now, I must finish this dress.

Desperate Measures To Attract Pussy

Sheesh! My sister. She doused her pant leg in cat nip just to get my cat to pay attention to her. Some people! (OK, not completly true. She had catnip spilled on her and my cat - who adores her and is always on her lap within seconds of her being in my house - was going crazy for her pant leg.)

OK, enough about me (yeah I bet you never thought you'd never read that!) - I have to get back to my crochet!

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