Sunday, May 30, 2004

I See Dead Fish.

This weekend has turned out to be a complete waste of planning on my part. Friday I see that my second favorite fish has up and died. Damn it. Valkyrie. My prettiest fish.

Saturday, despite all my careful planning, turned out to suck completely. I did however get a lot of things done around the house and was hopeful that my Sunday plans would somehow come to fruition.

Sunday, short day at work, things looking good. Got home and things started not going as planned. I took some time to clean out my fish tank. Then realized that my carefully planned and hoped for plans were a total bust as a call from someone's work rendered all previous plans null and void. *sigh*

Went to pick up kids, got McD's for dinner and came home to a tank full of dead fish. Yeah, very pleasant. Now ALL of my fish are dead.

Sheesh. I'm glad the weekend is over. (I did just now feed the cats just to make sure they were still with me)

Here's my theory on what happened in Asgard...

The fish were part of some religious suicide plot, Valkyrie was the first of the fish to go. She shown the way for the other fish on their spiritual journey. Today when I was away they carried out their sad plans and everyone committed suicide at the same time thinking that the 'Mother Ship' was here.
The EVIL cats killed the fish out of spite and malice (they are cats after all).
I shocked the fish when I replaced the water and everyone died. Fucking fish. I blame them for not being more hardy! (kidding)

*sigh* Feel free to believe whatever you prefer, I'm going with the suicide plot though.

I think I'll start over with the tank. I'm not sure. This is very depressing to have all the fish die at once. K has suggested I no longer name my fish after Norse gods though, they all seem to have tragic ends. Eh, maybe he's right, maybe I'll start naming them after conquerors - Atilla, Ghengis, etc. Maybe.

A memorial service will be held soon.

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