Thursday, June 10, 2004

Margaritas & Ice Cream

Are a bad combo. Take my word on this. Ewww... Luckily I'm not really really drunk, but I am infact drunk. I wouldn't trust me to drive anyone - note even drive anyone to drink!

The Ice Cream with extra chocolate sauce seemed like a really good idea after the first margarita and when Ordered the second. Now back home after two gargantuan margaritas I'm not so sure. No I don't feel sick, just a pain in my stomache, but I'm sure you don't really care about that so enough of my bitching and moaning.

Went out to dinner and drinks with K. It seemed like a good idea. Drinking sweet icy drinks when disapointed, upset or sad seems like a natural thing to do. I'm fine really, I just wanted some drinks.

We went to a local place. Seemed to be a biker bar. HAH! A biker bar amidst the prim and proper homeowners association members of the ranch. It was a very very tame Centrum Silver group of bikers though. Some hot men were present but the vast majority of leather wearing, Harley driving men were over 50. Very disapointing. Not that I actually go for that kind of man - the biker sort - but a hot man in a tight black t-shirt and jeans is always nice to look at. The 50-something, not hot, in black t-shirt and jeans, grandpa-man is just not.

This place was EXPENSIVE also. So two drinks was about all I could AFFORD! Yikes.

Now I'm a little drunk, sitting her in my bra and panties (new set - I just bought them, buying undies makes me feel better - even if said set of undies looks much less hot on me than it did on the hanger at the store) writing in my blog. Probably not a good idea. I suppose it's better than some things though.

Eh, that's all I can think to say. I think I'll go comment on ramdom blogs since I'm drunk.

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