Monday, July 19, 2004

Microwoes Part II

Tonight a cooked a lovely dinner of roast, mashed potatoes with gravy, steamed cabbage and salad. The roast was perfectly cooked at 6 pm. My timing was off for dinner as I had forgotten that in order to cook the veggies I would have to actually cook them and not use the microwave as it is still broken. *sigh* I didn't remember this fact until the roast was out of the oven. I usually put things in my nice microwave cooking dishes and things are done in 6 minutes or less. Tonight I had to dig around for scarcely used sauce pans to cook in. I did at least remember to make the gravy last so that it wasn't all cold and coagulated by the time everything else was ready.

How on earth did my grandparents cook??? Someone PLEASE fix my microwave!

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