Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Hair Raising Experience

Last night K took Super Girl and Cabbage Patch to a baseball game. I politely declined as I'd rather have eyes gouged out by my cat right after she exits the litter box than sit through 9 innings of baseball. (yes I do really dislike baseball that much)

Instead of the ever so thrilling jaunt to the Ballpark In Arlington, I opted for a nice bath with hair removing exercises. It was thrilling to be able to shave my legs (and all) with out the Little People turning the whole event into an Extreme Sport involving blood loss and swear words.

After a relaxing bath (actually just scrubbing and shaving - I really don't know what people do in the bath who linger for an hour or so... Well I do have some ideas and if I had a water proof BOB, I might linger for an hour or so also... But I digress) it was time to complete the hair removal process. This involved molten hot wax and pain, my pain to be exact. Thankfully my microwave is fixed so heating the above mentioned wax was easy. I prefer the potentially lethal hot spots of a microwave method over the potentially house catching on fire method of double boiler on the stove top. (really this is safest, I nearly burned my lunch today because I walked out of the room to pick something up and by the time I returned I fucking forgot I had put my sandwich in the oven to melt the cheese under the broiler.) After applying a thick coating of the searing wax to all the unwanted hairy areas (everywhere but my eyelids and lips really), I was delighted to see hairless ness. Well not really delighted, I was in near screaming pain with tears streaming down my wax encrusted self, but happy that my skin was left and the hair was gone. Ahhhh 4 - 6 weeks of without the unwanted hair (well probably 2-3 before the 5 o'clock shadow emerges again - my hair grows fast - especially the unwanted and unslightly kind).

And then to ad to the greatness of my evening, I spoke to XXX for a couple of hours. *sigh* What a fabulous sexy man. He definitely knows how to make me melt.

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