Friday, October 07, 2005

Teenage Mutant Ninja Dildoes

I almost forgot this... D totally freaked me out when we went to the fair. As we were giving our tickets to the ticket taker person she said "And you have a great day too Rhonda." The girl looked all surprised and said "How did you know my name is Rhonda?" and D said "you just look like a Rhonda." As this was going on, I just smiled and looked to see if Rhonda had a name tag, but she didn't. As we walked away I whispered to D "How'd you know her name was Rhonda?" and she said "She just looked like a Rhonda." We went back and forth for a few minutes before I got it that she DIDN'T read or hear her name on anything but just thought she LOOKED like a Rhonda. It was weird. Now if only she can fine tune that skill to lottery numbers!

How to charm me until I melt...

Fall asleep on the floor with your head on a big stuffed Simba while watching Chicken Run and before you finish your lunch of deviled eggs.

How to irritate me enough to make my head expode...

Wake up from cuteness being SUPER WHINY! Damn! where is my duct tape!

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