Saturday, October 08, 2005

Cock Hungry Co-eds

Last night I went to SCREAMS with friends. It rocked! I mean I didn't get scared in any of the haunted houses, etc., BUT it was sooooooo freaking entertaining to watch Shaz! Shaz was freaked out by SOMETHING in every house or maze. My stomach hurts from laughing so long. Now I'm so very, very disappointed that I could not talk D into going with me! She gets so freaked out by haunted houses and fuck that would have been so damn funny to have HER AND SHAZ freaked out.

Other things...

You people... I think ya'll are more obsessed about DVD Guy than I am (probably not but it sounds good for now). Sable weighed in on the 'grab the crotch' debate and voted for me to NOT grab. Let me just tell you now, it's not likely that I'll grab the crotch... Just not with this guy. SUBTLE, ya know. I'm such a chicken shit I probably won't do a fucking thing about DVD guy.

What else was funny was when Captain John said that The Wife was sitting at the bar drinking and had said that her last drink would be to DVD Guy! HAHAHAHAHA! Apparently several people are trying to figure out WHO DVD Guy is. Well you know what? I'm not going to tell! Hell even if I do make a move on this guy (which is unlikely considering my CHICKEN SHIT factor is VERY high on this subject matter these days) I probably won't tell anyone! Or maybe I will. Who knows. You people are killing me!

Moving on...

Gawd, I could just die. In every room I go in today, everyone is watching the GAME. ICK. I'm so not a football fan. BORING. A significant amount of nurses here at the hospital are wearing scrubs in 'school colors' - vomit. But whatever.

Something different...

Now this is just a puzzling thing. Today whilst waiting for the light to turn green and usher me on to the next stop up ahead, the guy in the snazzy little car next to me was looking at me and smiling at me. While it is very flattering to have some cute stranger (and he was very cute) give me the look, it's somewhat pointless when we are in cars, separated by locked doors and windows. I sped off when the light turned green (I was running late). So WHAT IS the point of flirting with someone in another car??? Just to give them an ego boost? Or are there people who will chase down someone in the car just to get their number? Sounds crazy. Maybe next time instead of just smiling nicely before going back to singing along to my Janice Joplin CD I should just roll my eyes all ghetto style and stick my hand up in the universal "talk to the hand" signal.

Stupid people

Today I overhead one of the nurses in a conversation with someone arguing that ducks can NOT go underwater as they will drown. I had to shake my head at her and tell her that wasn't true. In the time I've lived next to the lake and taken my offspring to FEED the DUCKS, I have on MOST occasions watched ducks dive under the water only to bob back up to the surface unharmed. I've even seen them go under in one area only to pop up a couple of feet away from where they were. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to explain that to this idiot nurse as I had an appointment to go to.

Okay, back to work for me now.

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