Monday, September 09, 2002

L - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! on the furries thing. I had read the subsequent articles on that and was quite creeped out. Hubby and I had a few dialogues (and laughs) on that subject also. Just a note... Do not go to the sites linked in any of the articles... it's just more than any one fairly normal person needs to know about that subject... *shudders*

I will post the Honey Cake recipe. This one does have the spices you mentioned, it tastes more like a spice cake, but it's very good.

Thank you for more illustrations! I absolutly love them. I've totally changed my mind as to what I'm going to paint on the stool I am painting. Instead of flowers and butterflies I'm going to put some fairy story illustrations! I know my kids will LOVE them. I'll take pictures when I finish them.

I loved your list of books.. I'll have to do that also.. I need to put some thought into it though so I don't come off as a completly uneducated oaf though. I have always been curious about I, Vampire. I will have to look for it. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite books also. I don't read much fiction so my book list might look pretty lame, but we'll see...

Sorry the movie was such a disapointment.. I do get pissed when I read a fabulous book only to be completly let down by the movie. Congo was like that. I loved the book, and the movie was soooo horrible... so blatantly obvious that it was someone in a gorilla suit! Sheesh... I've never seen any other movies based on Michael Chriton (sp?) books after that.. in fact... I was so offended that he would sell out such a good book that I've never read another of his books. *sigh* I loved his medical thrillers...

A - hehehehehe.. you guys.. furries... hahahahahaha! That might help with the birth control issue! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok.. I'm way to ammused by that. Smack me.

OK, this is how my weekend went. (if you give a damn that is! HAHAHAHA!)

Saturday: go to work, have a pretty good day at work. Get home about 3 pm, we walk to the lake to feed the ducks. So we are standing at the edge of the lake ready to start tossing pieces of bread in the water and this HUGE duck waddles over to us - RIGHT up to us. They all start walking up to us. I start laughing, and say that we are going to get mugged by the ducks! So we are laughing and thowing the bread out for them, most are hopping in the water to get the bread and that HUGE duck is still just standing there, giving us this look.. not a cute look but a demanding more bread look. I take a big hunk and toss it in his direction. It goes over his head, he goes for it like a dog. I just burst out laughing. And when we are done feeding the ducks, they won't leave us. HAHAHAHA.. I was almost afraid they would follow us home. We walk home, start talking about symbolism (goes to another conversation we had earlier that day - talking about raisins and celery.. to get a raise in salary...) and I say I hope that the ducks aren't some kind of symbolism, hopeing that we aren't headed for a flock of FUCKS soon. More laughs. Later friends came over for a game (geek, geek, geek) and that was fun. Much laughter. I tell them about 11:45 pm that it's time to start wraping it up because I have to work in the morning. At 12:30 AM, the game is over but people are still just talking so I say "All right people! Last call! You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!" and they leave. Sheesh!

Sunday: I get up, take a shower, grab some breakfast and head back to the bathroom to dry my hair. I bend over to pick something up and go to stand up, but I can't. I have much pain in my back. I can hardly move. I do finally work my way to the floor, a hands and knees positon then up to siting then standing and manage to go wake hubby, tell him I hurt my back.. get me pain pills or something and to call into work for me. He does, he's such a good man. Poor guy was sooo asleep, I felt bad about waking him. We accomplish our goals, then I go back to bed. Blessed sleep. I wake sometime after 1 pm, have some lunch and head back to bed, hubby joins me for a nap. I awaken much later.. we discuss dinner. I am feeling much better. I hate having these muscle spasms in my back like this though... I go visit a friend for a little bit, and on the way back I notice a huge ammount of FROGS on the road around the lake. So when I get back I tell hubby, who is listening to the foot ball game on the radio, that we HAVE to walk to the lake so I can look at all the frogs.. (I like frogs...) So we do. He thinks I'm nuts, but we go. I start picking up the frogs in the road. He's surprised because they are being so docile and just letting me pick them up. I start joking that this is the Frog Rescue project as I'm picking up frogs and putting them in the grass, telling them to head back to the lake. We walk for a little while as I rescue little frogs and toss them back toward the lake (they were just sitting there in my hand for the most part.. just blinking at me... hubby said some were just suicidal..) As we get to a bridge a bunch of frogs suddenly start hopping from one side of the side walk to the other. A herd of frogs. it was weird. Then back home to watch Election.. which was a funny but bizarre movie......

thats my lame-o weekend...

And for L - here is the recipe for Honey Cake

2 Eggs, Separated
1/4 C of white sugar
1/2 C of Honey
3 TBS of oil
1 1/2 C of flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp ground allspice
1 1/2 tsp instant coffee granules
1/2 C hot water

Mix coffee in hot water and let cool.
In large bowl, beat the yolks with the sugar. Add the oil and the honey. Beat until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

Sift and measure the flour. Combine with other dry ingredients. Add these dry ingredients alternately with the coffee to the honey mixture, stirring only until blended. Do not overmix.

Whip egg whites until stiff. fold in three aditiions into batter. Pour into greased pan.

Bake at 325 for 35 to 40 minutes, or until toothpick inserted into the middle of cake comes out clean.

OK, that's it. I didn't use the coffee granules, I don't really like coffee, but I did like the cake. It kind of tastes like a spice cake. I liked this recipe - it seems like a good one to add things to, maybe carrots...

well must run.. sleep... again.. lol

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