Monday, September 23, 2002

OK, now that it's the end of the day, I think I might be able to muster up something to write about. LOL.

A - Hope everything is OK, sounds like you have a lot of stress going on right now. Call me... I can't really help with anything but I'm sure I can make you laugh. (ask me about the gym and $5) A little laughter couldn't hurt. ;o)

L and J - so glad y'all wrote in your blogs!! *happy dance* *happy dance* L - the bat spray dream was pretty funny.

Well today in a fit of boredom I cleaned my oven. I can honestly say I've only cleaned ovens maybe 4 times in my entire life. I had some fume free Easy Off left over from the melted dog bowl in the oven incident nearly 2 years ago. Not that the oven was all that clean, but I was in the kitchen wiping the base boards and cabinets (I told you I was bored..) and I notice a smear on the oven window, I tried to wipe it on the outside but it didn't come off, so I figured it was on the inside and decided to go ahead and clean the oven.. probably didn't need the whole Easy Off treatment, but what the hell - I may never do it again in this place. This evening when I heated up the oven to make dinner - I had icky fumes coming from the oven - even though I wiped it out pretty well. It wasn't really bad, but it kept making me sneeze. Hubby suggested we use the restraunt gift certificate we got recently and go to Big Bowl. No need to ask twice, I changed clothes and we were off. It was ok, I had some garlic chicken with noodles - I didnt' like it. They were soooo nice about it. The waiter offered to bring me something else, then the manager did also. I ordered dessert - chocolate brownie! - and they gave it to me for free because I didn't like the food. LOL! Talk about good customer service! So after the gift certificate the whole thing cost us $9. :o)

Well I'm not going to paint over the Frog Prince side of the stool. Thanks to everyone who said nice things about it. I am going to add some more to it though.. maybe some roses or water lilies.. something.. just looks plain... And no I did not intend the princess to be me... (I don't think it looks like me.. but a few of y'all think it looks like me) I think that would be incredibly vain of me to intentionally make the princess look like me... If anything I wanted it to sort of look like my oldest... but not with blond hair since Rapunzel has blond hair. Anyway - J was so nice and said that I should paint furniture for a living. hehehe... yeah I wish I could make money at that! I'd love it. I am really enjoying painting this stool. Anybody want to order a one of a kind, hand painted stool? hehehe... Better head off to bed. Night

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