Saturday, September 28, 2002

So again, I'm up way to late. LOL. I was just purusing (sp?) and found this list of The top 10 banned books and why they were "challenged": I have read a couple of the books. 5. "Summer of My German Soldier" by Bette Greene for racism, offensive language, and being sexually explicit. and, 8. "Go Ask Alice" by Anonymous for being sexually explicit, for offensive language, and drug use. Now "Summer of My German Soldier" was a pretty good book, I read it in HS... I remember the racism.... but I it was appropriate for the book... but I do not remember it being sexually explicit... Now "Go Ask Alice" that was freaky, sexually explicit and full of drug use.. a 60's/70's anti-drug book. So strange that in this day and age books would still be banned. With so much sex on television... and with the crap that Hollywood comes out with... eh, *shrug* who knows...

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