Wednesday, September 25, 2002

So heare I find myself with a little extra time before I get my DH from work. I'm here at the library. I had looked up a book - I belive it's a classic - Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, but ... this lame ass library does not have a copy. Soooo... I picked up another book to read - one that was right next to where the Bach book should have been... The Regulators, by Richard Bachman AKA Steven King. So far it's not bad, very to the point... a dog and a boy just got shot... Not extremely gruesome or detailed as of yet, but.. a compelling book none the less.. I have this feeling that I may find myself looking to pick up a copy of this book since there's no way in hell I'll be able to finish this in the next hour or so. *sigh* and I had totally written off reading Steven King novels (after he sold out, his work has been hack-ish at best) and the reading of horror also... not because I didn't like it but because I could not find a writer I liked enough to read. I had tried Clive Barker... but wasn't nearly impressed enough to read another book. Had read several friends books... and learned an important lesson.. never read a book written by someone you want to stay friend with or keep a fair amount of respect for. I had one friend who wrote several novels, and I read a series that he wrote and loved them... except for the last book... and I told him so.. he laughed at me HAHAHA.. good sport, but later I realized that was sooo rude of me. Another person, Sydney was his name, such a nice guy.. read his vampire novel but the utmost disdain... He truly is a hack writer, another writer - Roxanne... I read her crap... I mean writting and had waves of nausea... After reading their so called writing.. I could bear to be with them.. I totally lost respect for any of their work and cringed at the thought of them asking ME what I thought of their work.... So... best to never ever read the work of a friend (unless of course it's already gotten raving reviews and hit the best seller list.... then even if you don't like it... you can quote some reviews in a creative lie).

Oh... I'm so bad.. I'm eaves dropping on someone's cell phone conversation... he's talking to someone about a conversation he had with a Chiropractor (witch-doctor) that carbohydrates may cause artheritis! YEAH RIGHT!! If only it WERE that easy. What complete bull shit. I've heard of chiro's claiming to be able to cure asthma and scoliosis (sp?).... now someone is claiming to have the answer to the cause of artheritis. I mean it's POSSIBLE that it may be agrevated by an excess of carbs, as artheritis/diabetis/thyroid disease are all sister diseases... but... sounds like a load of Quack-practor voodoo talk. Sheesh... It amazes me how many people swear by what a chiropractor says. Not that I haven't seen a chiro - I did after my wreck, and it helped some, but I honestly think I would have recovered whether I went or not. It was just kind of nice to get the cool massaging bed on my back... not on my neck though.. give me a headache since one of the disks is bulging.

Damn.. better get off here.. the library will be closing in 30 mins.. I thought this was one of the days they were open until 7pm.. not the 5 pm day.. Oh well.... such is life.

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