Thursday, January 23, 2003

A Trip To WallyWorld

Thursdays seem to be my days to go shopping lately. Today it was a trip to WalMart - not just any WalMart, but the Big Super WalMart. Ohhhhhhh..... the excitement was hardly containable....

The little people do not appreciate shopping very much. It brings about much whineing and begging. But eventually I shut up and just shop. ;o)

One of the things I needed to get was something to freshen up my bathroom. By that I mean that my bathroom stinks. For some reason it always had a lingering stink - kind of like a lingering fart. I clean it every week - even the comode - but it still stinks - some days it really STANKS (sic)! I generally keep the door closed because otherwise the odor encroches on my bedroom and I really don't like my bedroom smelling like ASS! So anyway, I got these blue tablet things that you drop in the tank and they are supposed to keep the bowl clean and take care of the ass smell. They came two to a pack, one for my bathroom and one for hubby's bathroom. Hopeing this will work, and not poison my cats.

Sheesh... I'm tired... Off to bed... More about the EXCITING trip to WallyWorld tomorrow. ;o) just kidding.

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