Thursday, June 26, 2003

Inappropriate Advertising

I just checked how my page looks. It looks like I haven't done any permanent damage or lost any content. Archives are working (not that I can imagine anyone actually wanting to read my old shit).

While looking at my page my gaze wandered to the top where Blogger puts adds. I see that one of the ads on my page is for a 'Gay Love Spell'. WTF? I went to check L's page to see if she also had the 'Gay Love Spell' ad since she just started using blogger. Nope, hers are typical weight loss ads seen everywhere on the internet. I wonder how I get so damn lucky to have the 'Gay Love Spell' ad? How do they choose what blog get's what ad? Is it completly random? Do they search for a particular subject to see how often it comes up on someone's page? I guess I should be glad I don't talk much about hemaroids or Prince Albert Piercings - those would be bizarre ads to have on my page.

Speaking of advertising, I was reading an article recently where a pizza place paid homeless people to hold up a sign saying that the pizza place paid them to hold the sign up instead of begging for money. Apparently they get some pizza, a drink and a few dollars for holding the sign for an hour. Hmmm... I guess I really don't see any problem with that, at least they are doing something to EARN some money. Some people don't like this practice... and not because they say it exploits homeless people (now isn't that a rediculous thought - how is giving someone a job explotation?), but because of ad noise. Apparently we are so bombarded with advertising everyday everywhere we look that it's just noise to us and we don't even notice the ads. Critics are sayign that this practice just ads to the ad noise. I don't know, sounds like sour grapes to me. I think it's better than giving the homeless a handout. but hey, what do I know?

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