Sunday, June 22, 2003

L - glad your DSL(and phone) is back! I know how much of a pain in the ass it can be to have it out.

I can identify with you on this whole diabetic thing. It seems that everyone in my family get's diagnosed when they get older. My grandmother got diagnosed about 2 years ago, my grandmother who passed away last year was diagnosed probably 7 - 10 years prior to her passing, my grandfather was in the same boat, and I expect my father to be diagnosed within the next 3 years... him as well as most of his brothers (I think a couple of them already have been). I know none of them are my mother, but it is a clear genetic link.

I have a suggestion on how to handle Minh. She seems like a sweet, well meaning grandmotherly person. Apeal to her need to nurture you. Confide in her that your working hard to loose weight and ask for her help to keep you on track. Tell her you need her to be your cheerleader/food police (even though you really only need protection from her!) and ask her to help keep sweet nummies off your desk. I bet she would be thrilled to be 'helping' you out and would readily agree. Then anytime she slips up and brings a sweet nummy, you can say "Oh gosh I can't eat that, remember I have to watch my snacks." ... if that doesn't work lie to her. Tell her that your doctor told you to stay away from sweets/snacks, a lot of times telling people you have a medical condition or are under doctors orders will make them stop something when out right asking hasn't worked.

This could be VERY possitive for you. Last weekend, hubby said that he would start the Atkins diet with me, which was great because I didn't have to make special for him and struggle to not take a nibble. AND he didn't bring a bag of cookies home mid week. So it's nice to have someone else who will be supportive. The exercise will help also, last week I started walking and got 4 walks in, by Saturday I had lost about an inch in my waist and my pants fit better!

Good Luck! I really think this will work, sometimes you have to come out and talk directly to the source of your problem and ask them for help. A while back I asked my sister to not bring any junk food over when she visited - she is notorious for bringing junk for my kids (she's an aunt it's her job) - and she has been so darn good about not bringing junk. Well I need to get off my butt and get ready for work.

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