Thursday, July 10, 2003

Um... Excuse Me, But Could You Get The FUCK Out Of My Personal Space!

Tonight I headed to Wal-Mart to procure pressies for Cabbage Patch for her birthday this Sunday. I'm standing in line putting stuff on the best and I look back at Super Girl in the cart - the lady who is behind me is standing RIGHT NEXT to my kid - that makes me VERY uncomfortable, I pull my cart forward and say "Um, you can move away from my kid now." Then move forward to check out. I'm watching the price of everything being scanned while getting my check ready, I look up and that lady is practically at my elbow! I move a little bit further forward and guess what she does, she moves up also. DAMN! That is so freaking rude! I don't want someone close enough to look in my purse and see the 10 condoms and emergency vibrator (hey you never know when you might need it) in my purse, let alone see if I have cash in my purse (which I never do... got condoms and vibrator, why do I need cash?). I just wish I had been buying a bunch of bizarre things like lube, condoms, whipped cream, massage oil, a cucumber, a douche, adult diapers, laxatives, liquid latex, clothes pins and a water gun, then I would have tried to strike up a conversation and asked her if she ever used this or that... then she might have backed off.

So WTF? I've noticed people in the grocery store doing that also. I hate that, I mean if you’re not planning on helping me pay for my stuff then back the fuck up.

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