I'm so excited! It's Halloween! Woohoo! I get to take the little people out! I had planned to wear this cool black velvet dress and a witch hat but it's too damn hot for the dress so I'll probably wear shorts and the hat and just take the kids out to get candy. I have my kids all dressed up even though it's 2 hours before we can even go - gotta wait on hubby and his brother and all. My girls look so damn cute! I love Halloween! The little people are watching A Nightmare Before Christmas for the 3rd time today - I do love that movie.
And now for a spooky Halloween tale... True tale... Ok... Not very spooky... But I guess it all depends on how you read it...
Penguins At The Party
About 6 years ago hubby and I were invited to a Halloween party. I wrangled the invite from my sister to a party hosted by a friend of hers. We really didn't know many people at the party except for the people that hubby knew from work. Hubby and I had several ideas for costumes and finally settled on being penguins (looking back now, that was just the lamest thing for a fat chick to go as, only worse would be going as an Orca or a pig). As with all really great pre-kid days parties the booze was flowing freely. There was a margarita machine in the garage, lots of beer and mixed drinks in the kitchen and a fridge full of jello shots. I have a severe weakness for jello shots. I used to love jello quite a bit and jello with booze was just a bonus. Someone made a colossal amount of little shots with Everclear. I had a margarita when we first got to the party but didn't really like how it tasted, I ended up sitting on the sofa talking to some people and had hubby bring me jello shots. He brought me 4. Yum. I sucked them down and kept talking a few minutes later I sent hubby for more - he brought 4 more which disappeared as quick as the first ones - hubby got 4 more. We continued this little scenario for a while - I think I sent him to the kitchen 7 or 8 times and each time he brought me 4 jello shots. We finally left the part about 11 pm and I was fine when we left - actually I was surprised that I was fine and didn't even feel tipsy. Hubby kept eyeing me dubiously though. It was about a 30 minute drive from the party to our house and part way home I started feeling drunk - let me explain... All of the sudden I felt DRUNK. I mean REALLY DRUNK. It was all of the Everclear hit my system at the same time. By the time we got home my head was spinning and hubby had to help me out of the car. Hubby had to help me out of my shoes... And my clothes... And to bed... And had to get me a bucket to throw up in, because despite my insistence that I would not throw up, he knew better. Morning came far too soon. I taught Sunday School during that time and insisted that I was fine and could teach even though I still had a buzz and a killer headache. Hubby thought I was nuts, he just waited until I threw up breakfast then called to say that I was to sick to make it. I felt horribly sick the rest of the day, and hubby was such a dear, he didn't make comments about my drunken state at all nor did he do anything to make me feel bad or guilty... He didn't need to. I was so worried that I had made an ass at the party. Monday when my ultra conservative straight laced hubby went back to work he got 4 invitations to parties with the statement of "Bring your wife". I've always wondered just exactly WHAT I did to garner so many invites?
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