Thursday, December 11, 2003

Time Travel

The other night I was having a discussion with hubby... Let me rephrase it, I was TRYING to have a discussion with hubby, and I asked him this question "If you could go back in time for one day, go to any time and talk to someone - and only that one person, no one else could see you or hear you, who would that be?" His answer was Jesus. No discussion. Grr... Men. He was desperately trying to NOT have a discussion with me - which is odd because we usually have the best discussions about the oddest things (we read comic books and watch sci-fi, what do you expect) - once we had a very animated, indepth discussion of what animals we would be if we were to devolve (this came about from a Star Trek episode) - we even discussed what animals our friends would also become, and... Well never mind about that... But the discussion came in handy at a couples wedding shower when there was a question on one of the games about what animal your spouse would be - we were the ONLY ones to nail that one (the host of the party was very impressed by this, especially since our answers were quite specific - three toed tree sloth (him) and pack rat (me), which only made us giggle) We know so damn much about each other it's frightening (I know, I know, your thinking "if you freaking knew so much about this man, how come you DIDN'T know he was GAY when you married him?" Yeah, yeah, well fuck you, he didn't know either)... But I digress... As his answer wasn't all that interesting or original (mine was!). I continued (in vain) to engage him in thoughtful discussion by saying "Well... Don't you want to know my answer?" (In a rather irritated tone after he had turned back to the computer for a few minutes... )

My answer - myself. I would go back in time to my young High School aged self and tell myself that yes my family sucks but I'm a lot tougher than I think. I also tell myself that my suspicions that my family is almost completely full of assholes is completely true and to keep that in mind when any of them start spouting of ridiculous bullshit, also don't take them to seriously. I'd tell me that I'm a pretty amazing person and to stop discounting my talents and abilities, that the people who should be encouraging me never will but I need to believe in myself - don't quit college and follow my dreams - my real dreams of being an artist. I'd say that many people will be critical but often their criticism is based on their own unrealized hopes and dreams and is their way of dragging people down to make themselves feel better. Also stop being so hard on myself - I need to tell myself how great I really am, there are plenty of people in this world who are more than willing to point out my flaws, but not too many who will give a sincere compliment - and when they do, don't discount it just accept it gracefully. And I'd end by saying to myself that I'm a lot stronger than I think, there's a lot to come where this strength will carry me through, take time to appreciate my own talent and beauty, believe in myself and... Stop skipping school and do the work - Sheesh! You can do the damn work, just do it! You manage a 3.67 GPA in college while working full time, WTF is the problem in High School? You barely graduate! Get with the program! Then I'd give myself a big hug and leave.

Of course I didn't finish all that when I was talking to hubby - he was working very hard to not have a discussion that night and quite honestly I don't' think he was even listening to me anyway. *sheesh* men.

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