Thursday, August 26, 2004

Piggy Problems

I'm a dumbass sometimes. A few days ago after cleaning the Little People's room I brought Piggy down to be washed. Piggy is one of Cabbage Patch's favorite bedtime toys. She loves pigs. This piggy is really soft and is filled with these little white pellet things. Makes for a very huggable piggy.

Anyway, I brought Piggy down to wash. I noticed a small tear along the seamline in the back. I looked closely and it looked as though piggy had a lining under it's first piggy layer. I looked, I shook piggy, I checked if pellets fell out. Nothing. It appeared that piggy was in no danger of pellet leakage.

Piggy got tossed in the wash with everything else. 30 minutes later I entered the laundry room to discover white pellets all over the top of the washer, all over the inside of the washer. Shit. Piggy actually looked pretty good despite the pellet loss. Piggy got put on the table to dry. The dryer filtered out the pellets on the clothes - most of them. It's days later and many wash loads ago that the Piggy incident happened yet my washer is still burping up white pellets all over my clothes. I'm wondering if this makes all my clothes pretend unKosher since they all have been washed in pretend Piggy innerds?

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