Big Ass Spider
The title on this one is in no way an exageration. This Big Nasty Spider is HUGE. It's about as big as my hand. The only reason I actually could take the photo and not run in panic screaming like a little girl while wetting my pants is because there was a rather thick panel of glass between us. This is the thing nightmares are made from. This one lives at the community center where Super Girl takes dance lessons on Saturdays. The weekend I was home with the Little People is the weekend I discovered Big Nasty living outside some of the windows. He's on the corner behind a row of tall bushes so he's well protected from having his web accidentally knocked down. K said that as of this past Saturday he was still there. He is a scary mutha-fucka. If one of my children were to wander into his territory I'm not sure I would be able to run in and rescue them. I might send a dog in... to distract the spider and yell for my offspring to RUN! Seriously. I held my car keys close by as Big Nasty was large enough to car jack me and eat my youngest for lunch. Yet I still had to take a photo, despite the fact that I was having that disturbing skin-crawling feeling just standing near the window. I stood there staring at the spider, I could NOT look away (I was afraid he'd leave the web if I did, then I wouldn't know where it was!!!), so I took a photo, I didn't think anyone would believe this spider was enormous without a picture. I sort of wish the photo would have come out better so you could see in great detail just how disturbing this guy is, but considering I had my camera right up against the glass, I'm actually surprised it came out at all. Now let's hope he's not pissy about having his picture on the internet, I'd hate to have THAT knocking at my door!
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