I managed to get a few photos of the spider suspended between the trees. For some reason this little bugger is washed out in the photos, maybe he's very reflective or something. I was pleasently surprised by how visible the web turned out in the photos - it's nearly invisible and I am always really careful so I don't walk into it, not because I'd be destroying the spiders home but because I might end up with a spider in my hair. I'd end up running around in circles smacking myself on the head while yelling "Spider on my head! Spider on my head!" until I tripped on something and fell on my ass. Amuseing for some, humiliating for me. Anyway, the web is beautiful and looks like strands of silver in the photos. Very cool. The last picture is hard to make out, but the spot to the left of the branches is another (bigger) spider. It's black and icky looking. If my camera had a zoom I would have gotten a very cool photo as I could see him from the side and since his web was barely visible it looked like he was standing on air. Creepy but cool.
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