Saturday, February 05, 2005

Home On A Saturday Night

What a sad and pathetic thing that is. I'd soooo much rather be else where... like SA with XXX, but fucking work expects me to actually WORK to get paid. Assholes. We were to have a game tonight but my virulent children ran all the gamers off - the venue was changed and everyone punked out after that. My children are no longer bio-hazzards (well no more than usual) but we still have no one over. I had the option to go to The New Mrs. S and her husband's for some frivolity but I think I shall opt instead to sit at home watching Kill Bill Vol. 2 and maybe do some sewing. I went shopping and for some damn reason a trip to SUPER Wally World sucks the time out of the air around me and a trip that started at 7 pm ended at 9:30 pm! Far to late to drive across town then have to leave at 11:30 pm so I can get to bed at midnight as I have that fucking job thing that screws up my weekends. *deep cleansing breaths... reminding myself that I'm working to make my sewing business support me so I can QUIT working the weekends and spend them sleeping in and waking up next to XXX more often.* Also I have a headache. Damn sinus headache. I was also invited to go clubbing with a friend tonight but declined as I think I spent WAY to much at a bar recently and want to save my meager funds for a differnt night of clubbing (I believe the 12th I'll be clubbing since I won't be spending the weekend languishing in bed with the hot and sexy XXX ).

Oh enough of my self absorbed whining about not being with XXX... On to other things.


Do you know that number is for? K knows... it's his number... as in his cholesteral. Last time it was checked he was all proud of himself that he wasn't in the HIGH range because he was holding out at 195. *ahem* Just because 200 is where the HIGH starts does not mean that 195 is GOOD dude. So he's agreed to join me on my eating plan and stop bringing crap into the house (which is good because he brings in crap and I end up with a BIGGER ass - yes, yes I know just because it's IN the house doesn't mean I HAVE to put it IN my mouth). He's going to get his cholesteral checked again in March when he gives blood again and I'm hopeing that if he sticks with eating well and getting a little exercise (walking around the lake in the evenings) he'll be able to drop his cholesteral by 10 points. I told him that he if doesn't, then he can fucking go back to eating Big Mac's and candy bars and I'll leave him alone. In the mean time I'll be getting my money's worth on my E-Diets account.

Cereal Debates

I dread the cereal section at the store. The act of the wee ones selecting a box of cereal can take 10 to 15 minutes. It's agonizing. I'm a mean mother, I don't let the Little People get sugar coated, marshmellow filled, nutrisionally void cereals. I don't care how freaking cheap it might be, I won't buy it. It's cool really, the kids like the GOOD cereals I let them get, but they are at the age now that they MUST select their OWN creal. Today it was a debate over getting a HUGE box of Kix or one getting LIFE and the other getting Corn Flakes or Chex creal. At the point that I was about to smack them both with a box of creal and choose for them they made a compromise and the tortured trip to SUPER Wally World was able to continue.

KFC Chicken Strips Elvis Would Return From The Dead (the mother ship really) For

Dear lord, I think I would sell my dark and tarnished not so immortal soul for KFC Chicken Strips (if it wasn't already being leased out to some lesser demonic cult). Last night in a bid to get the ever so sick Little People to eat, K ventured out to KFC to procure some chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes with gravy and biscuits. This was a DIRECT request from Super Girl who hadn't eaten much all day.

K returned with the *cue angelic music and back lighting* CHICKEN STRIPS (and other food). I had NEVER tried the *cue music and lighting again* CHICKEN STRIPS before. The Little People didn't eat much more than the mashed potatoes with gravy and a bite of the chicken. THEN I tried them... but let me back up a bit, last week when I had to go to the City of Plano and hand over my money and promise them the rest of my black, black soul (when the cult is done with the lease) to keep my lame ass out of jail, I had lunch with K at McDonald's (mecca to every child living the US), I got the chicken strips there and after a couple of bites wished I had opted for the chicken nuggets as the strips sucked ass. Anyway... In a moment frozen in time, last night I bit into the delectable *cue music and lighting once again* KFC CHICKEN STRIPS and very nearly had either a religous experience or a sexual one, I'm not sure really but damn those strips are good! I already KNEW that I would seriously mame for KFC mashed potatoes and gravy (with a flaky biscuit) and a juicy crispy breast, but now I believe I would consider MURDER for the strips (luckily I don't have to as they seem to be readily available - and at a drive thru even).

Really SAD Compairison

Fuck, I need to get laid. Did you catch that food reference to sex? That's so damn sad. Sex is better than any food (yes even Godiva chocolates even though they come in VERY VERY close to a good orgasm). It's not like I don't have batteries for Bob and Bob Jr. (or that they aren't getting used and abused on a regular basis) - I need a trip to XXX again (or a visit from him - my bed is always open to you sweetie).

Okay, the kids are off to bed, time to watch 'Kill Bill Vol 2' then maybe catch 'Alien Vs Preditor'. I know, lame way to spend a Saturday night.

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