Tuesday, March 22, 2005

What Morning
I Really Do Have A Karmically Challenged Life

Where to start.... let's see... I'm still quite heartbroken and hurt over my breakup with Michael. Very hurt, I hate to be lied to... especially when there was nothing to lose. So I didn't sleep well - went to bed at 1:30 am or so. I wanted to make sure I was dead tired so I'd sleep and I did. Then I woke at 5:30 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I took a shower at 6 am and made coffee. While the Little People were getting dressed, I knocked my coffee cup over and spilled coffee on my keyboard. it works but my capitalization is intermitant at best. i keep having to hit the Caps lock key to bet it to consistantly capitalize but that's just getting to be bothersome. Anyway, we made it out of the house on time, k off to work on time, me and the little people headed toward my orhtodontist. Woohoo! what fun. it took us an hour to get there with traffic and a stop to fill the tank - cost $20!!! for my tiny little car! The orto is great, i get a new retainer next week, then in a week a different one. one for day and one for night - what fun.

We just got back and will probably leave in a few minutes to go have lunch with k. i'm not very hungry. i just don't have an appetite. Woohoo, should be great since i'm trying to lose more weight. heatbreak makes me not eat, stress makes me eat everything.

not sure i'll be all that witty and entertaining right now. i'm just not sure it's in me. Well maybe in a sarcastic biting way, but i think i'll spare everyone that.

This was funny... in the orthodontist office they gave the little people some toys, one was a squishy easter egg and the other was a kooshie bunny. At one point Cabbage patch was playing with the bunny acting like he was standing on the slats of the blinds, then he would fall down hitting each one as he said 'ow! ow! ow!' in a squeaky little voice. All of the hygenist and the ortho were watching her laughing - was amused and embarassed at the same time. kids.

When we got to the doctors office Super Girl says 'whew, i'm glad this isn't the other doctor office.' i didn't understand her until she said something about getting me getting a shot. i said 'oh no honey, this isn't where mommy get's birth control.'

Anyway, i'll go now.

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