Thursday, April 28, 2005

Random Crap

Super Girl got her mid-nine week progress report yeterday and I am pleased to say she got a 4 (which is Highly Developed - working above level) in Reading and got 3's in everything else (which is good, it means she's right on track). The only area of concern is in conduct that she basically is hard headed. *sigh* It's the same note every grading period.

On the way to karaoke I passed a house getting raided by the SWAT team, then in the parking lot of the bar, there were two police cars and officers talking to a man who's girlfriend had slashed all his tires and thrown his clothes in a pile in the parking lot and set them on fire. hehehehe... You go crazy woman! Gotta give her props for taking initive!

Karaoke was so much fucking fun! I learned WAY too much about someone's pubes and coloring practices. Did something bizarre and obscene with someone's clip on hair. Sang Rainbow Connection (badly, very badly) with my crew. Posed for stupid pictures with Shaz being taken by people with camera phones - and one for someone who DOESN'T have a camera phone just wanted us to do that again. Had a bathroom discussion with Shaz and Jodie about small penises and how Shaz once asked a guy "What happened?" when she saw his itty bitty dick, where as I have never fronted on a guy with a small dick, Jodie did not say whether she had or had not done such a thing. I wore a fabulous hat and left at 1 am! And I didn't even drink that night, just being with my friends is ENOUGH!

This morning Super Girl melted my heart. She was standing in line to get on the bus with a handful of buttercups when she suddenly ran back to me and thrust them all in my hand saying 'these are for you'. Then she ran back in line, blew me a kis and got on the bus.

I have a love/hate relationship with Passover and all it's tasty foods. I love it all, but hate how it affects my big ass - as in making it BIGGER. Damn. I have so many left overs and they all taste so damn good it's hard to not gain weight after the Passover. Passover Pounds suck.

I've watched Muppet Treasure Island two more times since my last post concerning the movie. Arrrrggh! I got cabin fever!

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